The Fearnots Volunteer Fire Company is selling personalized reflective address signs for $15.  The signs meet and exceed the requirements for residences set forth in the Foster Township ordinance regarding displaying your address!

  Time is our enemy. In an emergency, locating the caller’s address as soon as possible is the first step in saving lives and property. Time wasted searching for the proper address is something many callers to 911 don’t have. Luzerne County has installed an Enhanced 9-1-1 system to allow them to determine the address of an emergency call. However, because many people have failed to present identifiable markings at their residence, there’s a big difference between knowing the address and finding the address. Improper addressing frustrates emergency responders, but it could be deadly to the resident because of the delays that result. This problem has been recognized for years by public safety agencies, and Foster Township is one of many municipalities that have recently passed or started enforcing ordinances that require address numbers of certain types and sizes, but the problem persists.

    Together, we can minimize this chronic addressing problem. The Fearnots Volunteer Fire Company believed that the issue of properly addressing your residence is so important – we decided to make reflective signs available though us.  The cost of the sign is $15 dollars and a small portion of the proceeds benefit the fire company.   The signs are reflective red, 6 inches by 18 inches and have 3 inch reflective numbers.  The signs can be mounted horizontally or vertically – just specify on the order form, so we can number it accordingly.

Here’s how the program works.  Download and fill out the attached order form with a check or money order made out to the Fearnots Vol. Fire Co. and send it to us at 301 Cedar St, Freeland.  When we receive the order, our members will prepare the sign that you ordered and then get it to you.

Luzerne County and Foster Township (as well as surrounding municipalities) have ordinances requiring residents to properly identify their houses.  The basics of this law require each residence to display its numbered address with numbers that are at least 3 inches high and made from a durable, clearly visible material.  If the residence is more than 50 feet from the roadway, or is not visible from the roadway, then a sign must be placed along the roadway and also on the residence.  2 sets of numbers would be required in that incidence.   Numbering for commercial and industrial has to display 4 inch numbers, which are posted above the main entrance. There also can’t be any wording within 2 feet of the building number.

Our signs are custom made with 3 inch numbering.  If a commercial or industrial location would like to obtain a sign, just note it on your order form.  We can then sell you a reflective sign in which you install your own 4 inch numbering and you will be in compliance with the ordinances.